
Johnstown School 1911 Senior Class: Lulu Shipley, LaVerda Baker, Celia Blamer, Nina Powers, Alice Sutton, Cleotis(Babe) Hughes.
The Johnstown High School football team from 1932.
Johnstown High School Football game when helmets were made of leather. Johnstown resident Mr. Friend Butt owned the land on which this football game was played.
Johnstown School 1910 Senior Class: Clyde R. Butt, Roe Van Green, Aubrey E. Pratt, Clinton F. Dresback, Genevieve W. Green, Gail Butt, Willis C. Adams.
1923 Johnstown Basketball Team.
Back Row: Coach McKay, Charles Beinhower, Orville Frizzel
Front Row: Harry Ogle, Blynn Evans, Edward Lake, Clell Hursey, Wert Mosher
Photo of Johnstown Basketball Team from 1931.
1911 Graduating Class, Johnstown School on College and Kasson Street.
This house served as a school from 1855 until 1885. In this photo the house is the residence of Mr. and Mrs. George Crawford, who stand in front of the house. At the time of the picture, the address was 132 South Main Street. The building no longer exists today.
Building began on the “new” Johnstown school in late June or early July 1884. The building site was the corner of South Kasson and East College Street. The school served Johnstown students from 1885 until 1927. A watercolor of the school hangs in the Babcock Library.
Often known as the High School, the school housed grades 1 through 12.
Johnstown Band spells JHS. Era is unknown.
The Fifth Grade Class, 1930, is photographed in front of the Johnstown School located at the corner of North Oregon and West Maple Street.
Teacher Ann Gage. First row left to right: Jeanne Dowell, Delta Green, Jean Lahm, Beulah Edwards, Frances Waltz, Faye McCreary, Charles Bietell, Mary Painter, Nina May Smith. Second row: Junior Thompson, Willard McElwee, Ills Searfoss, Thomas Morgan, Robert Buchanan, Ralph Williams, John Butt. Third row: Lucille Taylor, Marjory Grubb, Joe DeCrow, Donna Disbennet, Irma Priest, Geneva Gorsuch, Mary Dresback, Martha Williams, Lawrence Marion. Fourth row: Marcella Myer, John Denty, Leland Ashbrook, Margaret Strider, Doris Good, Owen Newell, Ruby Smith. Fifth row: Robert Walker, Paul Faye, Louis Phipps, Hazel Perry, Darwin Smith, Marion Disbennet, Alvertus Hendricks.
Students and teachers gather either before or after a school production. Note costumes worn by many children and backdrop behind the last row of children. The location is the stage at the Johnstown School built in 1927. Later this building became known as Adams Middle School.
Johnstown School Students.
First row: Neva Gallogly, Esther Baker, Charles Case (teacher), Lena Roberts, Dorothy Butt-Lake, Oma Lockwood Dumbaugh, Hazel Edgerly-Butt. Second row: John Neff, Dan Green, Howard Shaub, Dean Smith, Butler Hartsock, Joe Wright, Howard Day [1910 or 1911]
Johnstown School 1923 Seventh Grade Class
First row: x,x,x,x,Arthur Wright, Ralph Edwards,x,xThird row: Ed Rutledge. Teacher Willis C. Adams
Johnstown School Sophomore Class, 1913.
Top Row: Howard Baker, Frank Cheek, Hugh McClurg, Floyd Thompson, Lee Emerson, Harold Tippett. Middle Row: Eunice Cook, Pearl Thurston, Lottie Larkin, Verna Brake, Bessie Runnels. Front Row: Amy Green, Wanda Barrick, Luree Gleason, Rebecca McDiamond.